Wednesday, February 16, 2011

F*ck Comcast.

So my internet has been down for the past two days because Comcast is comprised of a hierarchy of Morons. Upon calling customer service, they proceed to ask me what type of modem i had and what type of router i had. When at the beginning of the conversation i clearly told the lady that my cable wasn't working either. It's simple turn my fucking interwebs back on! The type of modem i use has nothing to do with it, on top of the fact that i am using the modem that they installed, They should have these on record. All in all, Fuck Comcast. So there's my rage for the day. Anyone else have shitty experiences with comcast?


  1. I've never heard anything good about comcast.
    That sucks, man. I wish you luck.

  2. yea man it just goes to show you that the bigger the company there worse things get for them

  3. That really sucks, I can't say I've ever heard good things about Comcast

  4. i love my comcast :p sorry about your troubles!

  5. Didn't comcast censor anonleaks?
